by Kelly Brooks | Jan 13, 2014 | Blog, Healthcare Marketing, Nonprofit & Fundraising
Get Your Share of the $9 Billion Pie Yep, you read that correctly. Nine billion dollars. That’s how much U.S. healthcare institutions raised in FY 2012—and you, too, can get a big piece of that scrumptious, mouth-watering, research-supporting, clinic-funding,...
by Kelly Brooks | Jan 9, 2014 | Blog, Education Marketing, Healthcare Marketing, Nonprofit & Fundraising
Why They Give (Part 2) Part 2 Want to understand the science of charitable giving? Start with Why They Give (Part 1), then keep reading to learn what giving behaviors economist John List has discovered after 15 years of charitable giving research. Get a stampede...
by Kelly Brooks | Jan 9, 2014 | Blog, Education Marketing, Healthcare Marketing, Nonprofit & Fundraising
Why They Give (Part 1) Part 1 As development professionals, we think we know why people give. But even years of experience, logical deduction, and general impressions can’t tell us the cold, hard truth. In an industry run on “best practices,” we need to ask ourselves:...