Graphcom Earns 6 Hermes Creative Awards

Graphcom Earns 6 Hermes Creative Awards

Graphcom Earns 6 Hermes Creative Awards Graphcom has been awarded six 2014 Hermes Creative Awards for original and innovative marketing and creative design. Judges score each entry on a scale of 0 to 100, and those that score more than 90 points are Platinum Winners....
What Makes You Open That Envelope?

What Makes You Open That Envelope?

What Makes You Open That Envelope? What Makes You Open That Mailing Envelope?The electric bill, birthday cards, items won on eBay … all arrive to the home mailbox on a daily basis, along with an endless stream of solicitations affectionately known as “junk...
And the Winners Are…

And the Winners Are…

And the Winners Are… We held our breath in bated anticipation. After all, this was our first rodeo. Last week, our marketing pros attended the Maryland Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development’s (MSHSMD for short) annual Alfred Knight Marketing...
NO: It’s Not a Dirty Word

NO: It’s Not a Dirty Word

NO: It’s Not a Dirty Word It’s Not a Dirty Word “No, I can’t do that for you.” “No, I don’t have the time.” “No, I’m not really interested.” In a fundraising context, “no” can strike right at the heart of any development professional. Unfortunately, myths about what...
Big Team, Big Money

Big Team, Big Money

Big Team, Big Money Think you don’t have the budget to hire more fundraising help? Think again. According to the FY 2012 Report on Giving by the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, big teams raise big money. The report states that institutions with the...