6 Tips for a Successful Multifaceted Marketing Campaign

by | Jul 16, 2024

You may have tried-and-true methods for running a campaign, but that’s the thing about marketing – it’s constantly evolving. And in today’s oversaturated market, you need to stand out. And you need to stand out more than once. How do you do that? Enter: the multifaceted marketing campaign.

What is a Multifaceted Marketing Campaign?

A multifaceted marketing campaign (also known as multi-channel) is a comprehensive approach that uses a variety of communication channels to reach the target audience. It combines multiple channels like print materials, direct mail (no, direct mail is not dead!), and modern digital platforms like social media, email marketing, and digital ads.

Why a Multifaceted Marketing Campaign?

It takes at least 8 touchpoints for someone to recognize your product or brand. A multifaceted approach increases your chances of reaching people where they are, using various channels. Crafting such a campaign requires a lot of careful thought and strategy – that’s where Graphcom can help!

In the meantime, let’s explore a few tips.

Campaign Tips

Determine Your Goals

The first step in any successful campaign is to establish your goals. What do you hope to achieve with this campaign? Perhaps you want to acquire new donors or increase website conversions. Identifying your goals in the beginning can help you determine which channels to utilize.

Define and Meet Your Audience

It’s essential to target the correct demographic for any campaign. You know your product or service best. Stick to that knowledge – don’t try to target the masses. Define your audience’s characteristics to understand their behaviors and where they spend their time.

Using variable data based on your audience and employing list management strategies to narrow down your contacts to those most likely to give or convert can further enhance your efforts. This targeted approach ensures that your resources focus on the individuals most likely to respond positively.

Establish Your Strategy

As we’ve mentioned, a multifaceted marketing campaign requires careful planning and strategy. Here’s a general idea of the steps:

  1. Determine channels. When choosing your channels, focus on your customer base and where they spend their time. Just because your competitors use specific channels doesn’t mean you should follow suit. In fact, there may be an untapped market using a channel your competitors overlooked.
  2. Establish touchpoints. Once you’ve chosen which channels to use, you can establish your touchpoints. A layered approach gives you the best opportunity for exposure. An example could be:
    1. Send direct mail letter 1
    2. Deploy email 1
    3. Deploy social post 1
    4. Deploy email 2
    5. Deploy social post 2
    6. Send direct mail letter 2
    7. Deploy email 3
    8. Deploy social post 3
  3. Outline timeline. A campaign can last anywhere from a few weeks to over a year (with the most common timeline being three months). Your timeline depends on your goals, channels, budget, and more, so establish what makes sense for you.
  4. Review and adjust. Once you have established the first three steps, review them to ensure they are cohesive and make sense. Ask yourself these questions:
    • Do my chosen channels align with my target audience? Goals?
    • Do I have enough touchpoints?
    • Does the number of touchpoints make sense with the timeline I’ve established?
    • Does my timeline align with my goals?
      If needed, adjust steps one through three until your plan is cohesive.
  1. Launch and monitor. It’s time to send your campaign out into the world! But the work isn’t over yet. After launching, keep a close eye on how your deliverables are performing. 

Stay Consistent

Whether we like it or not, the likelihood of converting a prospect to a customer/user/donor at their initial interaction with your brand is extremely low. However, many get discouraged when multiple attempts prove unsuccessful. It’s common to give up after 3 or 4 touchpoints, not realizing that’s far below the average.

Don’t give up. As you monitor performance, be ready to make quick decisions to establish continued stewardship of prospects. Consistency leads to success – so be ready to adjust where needed!

Evaluate and Evolve

Another advantage of implementing a multifaceted approach is the ability to track your most successful leads and, in many cases, identify where they came from. By analyzing the data, you can evaluate what went well and what didn’t and set benchmarks for future outreach. Focus on channels that work well, eliminate those that don’t, and explore new ones to test their effectiveness and reach a wider audience. This way, you can get smarter with each touchpoint and continually improve your campaign’s success.

Work with Experts

For your multifaceted marketing campaign to be successful, work with an agency with expertise in all the mediums you want to use. Sure, you can shop around for different agencies or freelancers to complete each piece of your campaign, but you risk losing consistency – which is paramount. It can also end up being more costly in the long run.

At Graphcom, we’re an award-winning, full-service marketing agency with the expertise and capabilities to take your multifaceted marketing campaign from idea to execution. Let’s chat!

Ready to Launch Your Multifaceted Marketing Campaign?

Learn how our five-phase approach will set you apart.

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