How to Survive Mobilegeddon

by | Jun 26, 2015

That Darn Google Machine

Last month, Google dropped a bomb on your brand when it changed its mobile search algorithm. Now, mobile-friendly websites rank higher in Google’s mobile search results, nudging procrastinators everywhere to finally get mobile.

Fortunately, if you haven’t made the move to mobile yet, there’s still a chance for survival. Here are a few steps to get your site optimized properly for a mobile market.

Don’t Stop Believing…in Testing

You may think your site looks shiny and clean, but you may be wrong, according to Google. A number of marketers are offering to evaluate the mobile-friendliness of your site, but guess who else is? Google—for free!

Test the friendliness of your site, and learn ways to improve it, with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. If your site fails, it needs to be updated. If it passes, it may still need improvements. Test your site in Google’s PageSpeed Insights for all issues that could be affecting its search rankings.

You should also view your site on different mobile devices—an iPhone, an Android, an iPad, etc.—to see what your user will experience when viewing your site. 

Get Responsive

According to Econsultancy, 62% of companies that designed a website specifically for mobile had increased sales. A responsive design delivers flexibility, allowing easy viewing on different sizes and types of devices.

It’s all about converting visitors into action or leads, so each visitor needs to have the best and most comfortable experience—from whatever medium of choice—they can when visiting your site. If you don’t give your viewers what they want (easy visibility and navigation, no matter the device), they’ll go somewhere else.

Write Bangin’ Content

If responsive web design is your only mobile strategy, then you may be losing users. You also need to know how to write for mobile. Don’t write content like you’re writing for a search engine—write content like you’re writing for your customer or client.

For mobile content, concise writing is critical. That doesn’t mean shortening your content, but tightening it instead. Get rid of unnecessary words or sentences that don’t drive home your point. Stronger, more concise headlines and paragraphs are where it’s at. Great content can live on any platform.

Stay Ahead of the Game

Don’t let updates like these blindside you in the future. This bold move from Google is a signal to how critical the mobile user experience is for all companies with an online presence.

You can leverage Google’s tools and platforms to continuously optimize your mobile experiences. Consistently monitor your own website traffic, too. If you notice drastic changes, then chances are there’s an update out there affecting your ranking.

So, are you ready for mobilegeddon? If not, Graphcom can help. Contact us today at 800-669-1664 or to get mobile.
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