Is Your Donation Portal Responsive?

by | Apr 14, 2016

You Got This, Right?

Online donation has exploded in the last five years. But did you know that 51% of people who visit your website are on their phone?

If your donation portal isn’t responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices, then you’re missing an opportunity to raise money online.

According to a study by Mobile Cause, organizations with responsive donation pages yield 34% more gifts than non-responsive pages because they make it easy for people to make a donation from any screen size.

What Does Responsive Mean?

A responsive website means that your content can be easily read across all devices. This creates an optimal viewing and interactive experience for your users—meaning your users can easily read, navigate, and interact with your content with minimum resizing, panning, and scrolling.

How Do You Make Your Website Responsive?

Responsive websites are built using CSS and HTML to resize, hide, shrink, enlarge, or move content so your website is optimally viewed on any screen size. This is easily done during the initial website development phase, but can be done within an existing website.

Using a combination of style guides and stylistic images, content is gracefully downgraded from desktop to mobile.

Graphcom can do this for you in a matter of weeks, but don’t take our word for it. Here are some great statistics on online giving and the importance of mobile devices:

    • 60% of donors research nonprofit organizations on a mobile device before making a donation
    • 51% of nonprofit emails are read on a mobile device
    • 65% of nonprofit fundraising campaigns happen on social media
    • Organizations with responsive websites saw a 38% increase in online gift sizes


So, now that you know the facts, isn’t it time you stepped up your website game? We can help! Give us a call at 800-669-1664 or click here to chat with us.
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