How to Touch Donors Without Really Touching Them

by | Apr 22, 2016

Can’t Touch This

Let me guess. In addition to your donor database you’re also tracking donor “moves” or “touches” in a moves management system, right?

Sounds like fun! Who doesn’t like recording every email, tweet, personal note, conversation, letter, phone call, or “touch” and hoping it lands you a donation?

What if we took the guesswork out of the equation and created a way for you to touch donors in a systematic and measurable way? We’re talking meaningful touches throughout the year, and, the best part is, we’ll track it all in real time and provide you with weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual reports.

Work Smart, Not Hard

Let’s talk about some meaningful touch points.

  • Personal stories – and not the written kind. How about sharable videos, voice recordings, and photo stories that reach donors on the right day, at the right time, and through the right delivery system?
  • Progress reports – and not the board meeting financial report kind. We’re talking field reporting, animated informational graphics, and virtual tours that set the stage for the big ask or thank the donor after the gift.
  • Tangible tokens – and not the lapel pin kind. Let’s talk about custom pieces that recognize and honor donors throughout the year, while also connecting them with your brand in a sustainable way.

Some of these touch points might feel oversized for your staff and budget, but the reality is these tactics have a great response rate and can be easily integrated into your existing communications calendar (or created from scratch). From there, it’s just a matter of establishing your metrics.

So, What Do You Want to Measure?

  • How did each donor demographic respond?
  • What time of day saw the most traffic?
  • What delivery method generates the best response?
  • How long are donors interacting with your content?
  • Cost per dollar raised
  • Fundraising return on investment
  • Donor retention rate
  • Donor growth
  • Conversion rate
  • Gifts secured

And that’s without variable data. Just imagine the possibilities…


Want to get started? Give us a call at 800-669-1664 or click here to chat with our team.
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